Recently, I’ve found one of my server has lots lock: timeout
happened. I am curious what caused this? So I opened SQL Server Profiler to watch the server
What the thoughts popped out on my mind were:
Blocked, Blocking, Long queryIf Long query, first I look at "Row_Count" and "Login_time", please use the scripts that i wrote before,
The result show the login session (102) has been running since one month ago.
It's unnormal, so ran the undocumented command "SP_WHO2 102" to see.
- Sp_who2
The command’s status is sleeping and “AWAITING COMMAND”, it means that the transaction for spid 102
has not committed or rolled back, and it still holds a lock on a table.
So if it’s the last statement sent from a client to SQL
Server, I need to find out what’s the last statement for this SPID
DBCC INPUTBUFFERSo I got the result from SPID 102
Displays the last statement sent from a client to Microsoft® SQL Server™.
You can use this command to see what was the longest running command which may point to the transaction that is causing the blocking.
The session was doing a “Bulk Insert” and seems not “Roll Back” or “Commited” yet but already finished its own purposed job
Then, I want to Kill 102, but I have to find out if any locked happened
SELECT sp1.SPID AS BlockedSPID, sp2.SPID AS BlockingSPID FROM master..sysprocesses sp1 JOIN master..sysprocesses sp2 ON sp1.blocked = sp2.spid
So there was not any blocked happened. SO I am able to kill the longest session.
But for in case, in the mean time I need to check if there are “active open transactions” running
So I ran the DBCC command DBCC OPENTRAN, below is the official description:
Displays information about the oldest active transaction and the oldest distributed and nondistributed replicated transactions, if any, within the specified database. Results are displayed only if there is an active transaction or if the database contains replication information. An informational message is displayed if there are no active transactions.
( { 'database_name' | database_id} )
Ensure No one is running a transaction on the database, if yes, you need to make sure it’s not impact your longest session
Expended reading:
Finding the Causes of Poor Performance in SQL Server, Part 1
Finding the causes of poor performance in SQL Server, Part 2
DBCC OPENTRAN detect all open trans from the writer SQLWork
--Run that on every database on your server. DECLARE @SQLScript NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @SQLScript = ISNULL(@SQLScript,'') + 'DBCC OPENTRAN('+ Name +');' FROM sys.databases EXEC (@SQLScript)
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