[BizTalk] BAM Tool - Cannot open database "BAMPrimaryImport"


Microsoft.BizTalk.Bam.Management.BamManagerException: The BAM deployment failed. ---> Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException: OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot open database "BAMPrimaryImport" requested by the login. The login failed.; 42000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'bam_rta_xxxJobXBamView', Name of 'bam_rta_xxxJobXBamView'.
Server: The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.


Since BizTalk BAM tool impersonated SSAS service account to deploy some aggregation tasks.
The account which executed SSAS service needs to assign the permissions below:

db_datareader to:

  • BAMPrimaryImport
  • BAMStarSchema

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